Jungo (via Toptal)

Jungo LLC
UX/UI Designer
2 months

About the project

Jungo is a student-athlete college placement application and software platform focused on connecting the student-athlete with the appropriate schools of interest. It is focused on recruiting and identification of the best college programs.

Jungo is a cutting-edge software platform and application designed to assist student-athletes in finding and connecting with the most suitable college programs for their skills and interests. The platform's primary focus is on college recruiting and identification of the best programs available for student-athletes. By leveraging the latest technology and tools, Jungo helps student-athletes navigate the complex process of college placement and connect with the right schools to achieve their athletic and academic goals. With Jungo, the college placement process is streamlined and made more accessible, empowering student-athletes to take control of their futures.

In my role as the UX/UI designer for Jungo, I was tasked with taking an existing semi-functional app and completely rethinking its user flow to make it more intuitive, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. To achieve this, I employed various design techniques and methodologies, including creating user personas, user journeys, and a small design system to guide the design process.

  • Audit of the existing app
  • User journeys for 3 different kinds of users (Athletes, College Coaches, Club Coaches)
  • User interface design of the mobile app (iOS)

I created user journeys that mapped out the various touchpoints and interactions a user might have with the app, allowing me to identify areas for improvement and optimize the user flow accordingly.

Additionally, I developed a design system that served as a foundation for the UI design, ensuring consistency and coherence throughout the app. This included defining typography, color palette, iconography, and other visual elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing interface.

Ultimately, my work on Jungo involved not only improving the usability and functionality of the app but also creating a visually appealing and engaging interface that would help the app stand out in a crowded marketplace. The end result is an app that is both easy to use and visually stunning, providing student-athletes with a powerful tool to help them achieve their college placement goals.

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You can download it for iOS here, for Android here and check out their Website here.