Redesigning VOX City’s Audio-Guide Mobile App: A Case Study

VOX Group
UX/UI Designer for Mobile Application
10 weeks

About the project


VOX Group is a top audio-guide provider in Europe and has the monopoly of audio tours in the Vatican. They transitioned from traditional audio-guides to a mobile app audio-guide, but users were experiencing issues and abandoning the app. VOX Group hired a UX/UI designer (yours truly) to identify the problem and create a solution that would significantly improve the user experience.

The Goal:

The goal was to lower abandonment rates due to user frustration, add new features, and revise the entire experience to improve it significantly.

  • Conducted an audit of the existing Vox City App to identify areas that required improvement.
  • Provided design support to the team to help inform decision making.
  • Led the UX/UI design process, collaborating closely with the development team.
  • Ensured that the final product aligned with project goals and met the needs of users.
  • Emphasized user experience to enhance the overall functionality of the Vox City App.

The Process:
  1. Audited the current app and identified multiple critical issues, including a signup wall, no discovery phase, and no fluid path for users to explore the app or understand how it worked.
  2. Worked with the Project Leader to prioritize issues and propose solutions that suited the app's usability best.
  3. Proposed a redesign of the app's base structure for scalability and versatility. Our goal for the new structure was ease of use, scalability, and a seamless flow between the app's different sections.
  4. Collaborated with a brand designer who rebranded the app as the logo and colors didn't match the industry. I then adapted the new branding guidelines to the UI.
  5. Validated ideas with rapid prototyping to test user flows and interactions, and collaborated closely with the development team to get their input on the implementation of complex features.

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What I enjoyed most of this project:

One of the project's highlights was the challenge of justifying every small design decision and collaborating with the Project Manager, who had a development background, knew the business well, and could discuss updates regularly to move the project forward with agility.

The outcome:

The result is a revitalized audio-guide mobile app that matches the quality of the audio content.
It's still early days but this redesign should give users had a much-improved experience, resulting in a reduction in abandonment rates and an increase in engagement. Additionally, the app's redesign allows for future scalability and versatility, and new features further enhanced the user experience.